S2E38. Do I Have Spinach in My Teeth?

Episode 38 December 27, 2021 00:53:46
S2E38. Do I Have Spinach in My Teeth?
Friends Next Door
S2E38. Do I Have Spinach in My Teeth?

Dec 27 2021 | 00:53:46


Show Notes

Would you want your friend to tell you when you have spinach stuck between your teeth or no? Some of us may think that it would lead to an awkward situation (we don't blame ya!) but we think the end your friend would appreciate it. By the same token, what are some of the things you would not know unless someone tells you? Would you like them to tell you, whether it is spinach in between your teeth or something that could potentially be more awkward?

As always, if you have a burning question, find us here:

Email: [email protected]

IG: @frndsnextdoor

Dan: @therealdanchen

Mia: @msmiaaa

Thomas: @mundane_photos

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