S4E6. Treat Yo'self!

Episode 6 June 19, 2023 00:44:16
S4E6. Treat Yo'self!
Friends Next Door
S4E6. Treat Yo'self!

Jun 19 2023 | 00:44:16


Show Notes

Do you constantly find yourself in ‘go go go’ mode or are you a relaxation professional? How important is it to take a step back from our daily grinds and slow down every once in a while? Dan, Kuan and Mia weigh in on these questions as they sit down and have a relaxing and fun chat *wink*.


As always, if you have a burning question, find us here:

Email: [email protected]

IG: @frndsnextdoor

Dan: @therealdanchen

Mia: @msmiaaa

Thomas: @mundane_photos


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