Latest Episodes

The Dos and Don'ts of Meeting the Parents | S5E27
Meet the Parents - now that sounds like a scary movie. To those who are natural charmers, lucky you. Those who are void of...

Are We the Average of the Five People Around Us? | S5E26
You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Have you heard of this saying before? Well, Mia hasn't...

Underrated or Overrated? | S5E25
Is New York overrated or underrated? On this episode, we're just going to have a fun conversation on things that we think are underrated...

Millennials, Are We Experiencing a Midlife Crisis? | S5E24
If you're an older millennial listener, would you agree that we're entering our midlife crisis era? It may not look the same as what...

Are We Normalizing MicroAddiction? | S5E23
Ahh we sure do like to come up with a label for everything, don't we? In this case we think it is the best...

Social Advice to Our Younger Selves | S5E22
If you could go back to your 14-year-old self, what advice would you give in order to thrive in social situations? As always, if...