Ohhh high school, we're here again! In our S2E36. Have We Peaked? episode we touch upon how some people "peak in high school" and now we're exploring another way high school find it's way back into adulthood: does high school ever end? Listen to us rewind and reflect while we trade high school experiences in clubs(or lack of clubs....) we were in and our social circles. Through the roasting and sharing, we cross over into life today and what it means to be popular, when the "lunch room scene" happens to you, and the feeling of belonging or not belonging. Bowling For Soup might have been onto something, but you tell us, do you think high school ever ends?
As always, if you have a burning question/comment/story, tell us here:
Email: [email protected]
IG: @frndsnextdoor
Dan: @therealdanchen
Mia: @msmiaaa
Thomas: @mundane_photos
If we were to play a word association game, what are some of the keywords you would use to describe yourself? Whether we like...
What are things or situations that you would never get yourself into? Haunted houses, rollercoasters, bungee jumping might be obvious to some people, but...
They were really nice, but we just didn't have "the spark". How often have you heard this or said this yourself?! What does this...