Latest Episodes

S2E15. Are You a Hopeless Romantic, a Romantic, or Just.. Hopeless?
Your next door friends braved the world of online quizzes, which are scientifically accurate we must say, to determine whether we are a hopeless...

S2E14. Is Silence Still Golden?
In an era where having a voice can be incredibly accessible, is silence still considered a virtue? Are you a chatty person or are...

S2E13. Mailbag | Post-COVID Social Anxiety, East/West Beauty Standards, Dating Requirements?
When we say we read every email, we don't kid around.. and we're having as much fun answering them here as when we were...

S2E12. America: Great or Greatest Country?! | Ft. Chris Chappell from China Uncensored
ON THIS EPISODE! We sit down with Chris Chappell, host of China Uncensored and America Uncovered, to talk about what it means to be...

S2E11. Myths and Truths about the Midwest? | Introducing Our New Friend
Friends, meet Kuan Yu! We're super excited to introduce y'alls to Kuan, a Midwest native who has been calling California home for the past...

S2E10. Those Life-Changing Events That Shaped Us
Who you are today is the sum of all the experiences you have lived until now. What are some of the past events that...