S3E17. Too Good, or Not Good Enough?

Episode 17 October 24, 2022 00:49:02
S3E17. Too Good, or Not Good Enough?
Friends Next Door
S3E17. Too Good, or Not Good Enough?

Oct 24 2022 | 00:49:02


Show Notes

In this cruel, cruel world, we are sometimes guilty of passing quick judgement toward other people. "She's too pretty for him", or "he's too good for her". These are usually a split second comment of course, but why do we do this? What would you do if your friends are telling you that the person you're dating isn't good enough for you? Time to dig deeper! 


As always, if you have a burning question, reach out to us here:

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Mia: @msmiaaa

Thomas: @mundane_photos

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