When was the last time you found yourself in an awkward situation? And how did you deal with it? Come and laugh about these unexpected situations with us... because life is better when you don't take yourself too seriously sometimes!
As always, if you have a burning question, find us here:
Email: [email protected]
IG: @frndsnextdoor
Dan: @therealdanchen
Mia: @msmiaaa
Thomas: @mundane_photos
Our FIRST Mailbag episode in a while and we're here for it! Have you traveled solo? Or is it in your bucketlist? Many people...
Aaannnddd we're back! What was meant to be a short hiatus turned out longer than we expected, and for that, we're sorry! BUT now...
This may be a sensitive question to ask, but if you decide to ask yourself this question it would no doubt require an honest...