How Do You Accept Others' Flaws? | S5E5

Episode 5 April 08, 2024 00:48:31
How Do You Accept Others' Flaws? | S5E5
Friends Next Door
How Do You Accept Others' Flaws? | S5E5

Apr 08 2024 | 00:48:31


Show Notes

Noone's perfect. How cliche does this sound and how many times have you heard it in your life? Yet in the world of imperfection, we find it hard sometimes to deal with other people's flaws. Why can't they just do things the right way! In those moments of frustration, we're here for you. 


As always, if you have a burning question, find us here:
Email: [email protected]
IG: @frndsnextdoor

Dan: @therealdanchen
Mia: @msmiaaa
Thomas: @mundane_photos

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