S4E16. Wait a Minute.. What If We're the Toxic One?

Episode 16 September 18, 2023 01:01:24
S4E16. Wait a Minute.. What If We're the Toxic One?
Friends Next Door
S4E16. Wait a Minute.. What If We're the Toxic One?

Sep 18 2023 | 01:01:24


Show Notes

This may be a sensitive question to ask, but if you decide to ask yourself this question it would no doubt require an honest and courageous look at self. Is it easy? Of course not. Is it necessary? That's for everyone to decide. 


As always, if you have a burning question, find us here:


Email: [email protected]

IG: @frndsnextdoor

Dan: @therealdanchen

Mia: @msmiaaa

Thomas: @mundane_photos

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