Remember when your mom scolded you for sticking your chopsticks straight down in your rice bowl? Or when you avoided walking under a ladder because it would bring bad luck? I'm sure we all have superstitious beliefs that seep into various parts of our lives, it's totally normal! Except some are a little weirder than others...
Do you have a similar story? Hit us up and tell us about it as we'd love to hear it!
And if you have a burning question, email us at [email protected]. Don't worry, you can always "ask for a friend"!
Who you are today is the sum of all the experiences you have lived until now. What are some of the past events that...
We're totally dating ourselves by asking this question, but do you think sorry is the hardest word to say? Are you the type to...
Ohhh high school, we're here again! In our S2E36. Have We Peaked? episode we touch upon how some people "peak in high school" and...