If there's ever a time for us to take better care of our mental health, 2020 is definitely that time. It's been a challenging year all around, to say the least, and we are all struggling one way or another. We've invited Rowena Tsai, YouTube megastar and one half of Beauty Within, to join our convo so that we can pick her brain on how to be at peace with who you are and how to stay calm in the face of uncertainty.
For more Rowena:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/rowenatsai
Instagram: @rowenatsai
Beauty Within:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/beautywithin
Instagram: @beautywithinofficial
If you want to request a topic, share your story, or have a burning question, contact us at:
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: @frndsnextdoor
Don't worry, you can always "ask for a friend"!
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