5 year-old Mia learnt how to play piano, she kiiind of thrived. Then her sister joined and she uuhhh pivoted, QUICK. So, is piano just not Mia's sister's cup of tea or did she not give it a fair shot yet? (I swear this isn't me trying to diss my own sister.)
The point is, sometimes we may close ourselves off to a new experience or may give up too soon. How do we know when we haven't tried hard enough vs. when we're ACTUALLY not good at something?
As always, if you have a burning question, find us here:
Email: [email protected]
IG: @frndsnextdoor
Dan: @therealdanchen
Mia: @msmiaaa
Thomas: @mundane_photos
Is New York overrated or underrated? On this episode, we're just going to have a fun conversation on things that we think are underrated...
As we close another year, let's take some time to look back and reflect on the things that happened this year. Things haven't been...
While all three of us are Chinese, we were brought up under different circumstances so this time we sit down to compare our experiences...