What triggers our MBTIs? On this episode, we share what our MBTI personalities are based on the test at www.16personalities.com and what our thoughts are on our own types. We talk through how we think it plays out in our every day life, romantic life, and demonstrate a real-time example in how we handle feedback. What is your MBTI and how much do you think it aligns with your everyday?
As always, if you have a burning question, find us here:
Email: [email protected]
IG: @frndsnextdoor
Dan: @therealdanchen
Mia: @msmiaaa
Thomas: @mundane_photos
Calling all job hoppers out there! We're joined by Thomas this time to discuss our experience with changing jobs as we advance our career,...
If you, like Mia, have recently been down the rabbit hole of YouTube reccommended videos of people declaring that they quit their jobs, you...
Just kidding, I didn't really quit. Well... sorta, I'm just making sure that work doesn't overtake my entire being because I've had enough. The...