Ep 27. Geeking Out on Start Up and K-Dramas (Ft. Rowena Tsai of Beauty Within)

December 21, 2020 01:07:08
Ep 27. Geeking Out on Start Up and K-Dramas (Ft. Rowena Tsai of Beauty Within)
Friends Next Door
Ep 27. Geeking Out on Start Up and K-Dramas (Ft. Rowena Tsai of Beauty Within)

Dec 21 2020 | 01:07:08


Show Notes

Ro is back on Friends Next Door's humble abode and joined Mia in a fangirling session over Start Up, their latest K-drama obsession. Don't worry, we managed to get Dan and Thomas to start watching so they can join in the convo too! What makes K-dramas so fun to watch? What are some of your faves? 

With our last episode of 2020 and as we close out the year, we want to thank every one of you who's been listening to our weekly random conversations. We're going to a quick hiatus, but will be back very soon with a new season of Friends Next Door so stay tuned!  

For more Rowena:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/rowenatsai
Instagram: @rowenatsai

Beauty Within: 
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/beautywithin
Instagram: @beautywithinofficial

If you want to request a topic, share your story, or have a burning question, contact us at:

Email: [email protected]
Instagram: @frndsnextdoor

Don't worry, you can always "ask for a friend"! 

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