Ep 19. Beauty Standards and Self Worth in Social Media Age (Ft. Felicia Lee from Beauty Within!)

October 26, 2020 00:47:39
Ep 19. Beauty Standards and Self Worth in Social Media Age (Ft. Felicia Lee from Beauty Within!)
Friends Next Door
Ep 19. Beauty Standards and Self Worth in Social Media Age (Ft. Felicia Lee from Beauty Within!)

Oct 26 2020 | 00:47:39


Show Notes

If beauty is in the eye of the beholder... can you imagine having the eyes of over 2 MILLION PEOPLE on you?! With social media and the beauty standards propagated there, how does one stay true to oneself? Of course we can't talk about beauty stuff without having our resident expert Felicia, so listen on for her tips on the million dollar question of the day - how to not let social media affect your self worth. 

For more Felicia:
Youtube: www.youtube.com/beautywithin
Instagram: @beautywithinofficial

If you want to request a topic, share your story, or have a burning question, contact us at:

Email: [email protected]
Instagram: @frndsnextdoor

Don't worry, you can always "ask for a friend"! 

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