Latest Episodes

S2E39. We're Thankful For...
As we close another year, let's take some time to look back and reflect on the things that happened this year. Things haven't been...

S2E38. Do I Have Spinach in My Teeth?
Would you want your friend to tell you when you have spinach stuck between your teeth or no? Some of us may think that...

S2E37. Have We Peaked?
"I peaked in high school" is not a description most people like to claim. At least not for themselves anyway. But if we talked...

S2E36. I'm Just Bad at This, Okay?
5 year-old Mia learnt how to play piano, she kiiind of thrived. Then her sister joined and she uuhhh pivoted, QUICK. So, is piano...

S2E35. I Like You Because You're Pretty
How deep is your love? Okay we're not talking about love strictly in a romantic sense, but also in friendships. A lot of times,...

S2E34. Multitasking or Just Distracted?
In today's busy world, we're all trying to get more things done in the same amount of time. This can result in multitasking throughout...